Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Random Rants

So I know I just started out on this, but chances are people who know me are going to be the ONLY ones reading this so thats okay. So I will start out with just a rant. This bugged me ALL Day yesterday and I MUST write about it, because if you didnt gather from the title of my blog... I write. So Handshakes.
Maybe its just me, but handshakes can honestly say a lot about people. Aside from the obvious of course of whether they have sweaty hands etc. I'm not talking about that. I mean good sturdy handshakes. When I meet someone new, or have a meeting with someone I already know regarding business, a handshake is normal. its courteous, a greeting, whatever you want to call it. Now, to my rant... What drives me nuts is when you have weak little handshakes where the other person barely even touches your hand. Especially from guys. Do they think that just because I am a woman I cant shake hands properly? Hello? what does that tell me? That you dont like touching people? If thats the case, fine.... Why even offer your hand? Especially if you work in a business where you are dealing with clients and coming to their place of business... AAAHhhh it just irritates me. The dainty little handshakes I expect from women who only wear dresses and walk in heels and always look perfect, but not from a guy. Its just wrong. It makes me think that they think I cant shake hands. I was raised that a sturdy handshake says a lot about you. It says you arent afraid to meet new people, it says you arent afraid of different, new or challenging situations. Even if you are, you can portray you arent by a nice sturdy handshake.

So okay, now you think I'm crazy, but thats okay. Hope you enjoyed my rant. Hope you enjoyed the tiny glimpse into my brain... I assure you, more will follow. And if you're lucky, or Im feeling generous, I might add some actual real writing in here that I am proud of or that people keep pestering me for - You know who you are....:)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... now i can require more blogs and pages! Eww on the sweaty hands... what about rough and warty hands... I think they should tsick to a high five and a smile if they want to be weak about it!
