Wednesday, January 27, 2010

50 for 50

For those of you who dont know me, I enjoy dressing up in what you might call funny clothes and recreating the middle ages with an awesome bunch of people here in our beautiful principality of Oertha (known to the mundane world as AK). As a part of the SCA, I have been doing this for a little over 20 years. I grew up in the SCA, and it has really helped to shape who I am today. The values that are learned, and the creativity that blossoms within our group is something I think more people could do with grasping.
Anyways, I doubt that anyone reading this already doesnt know me, so on to the actual topic for discussion this day.
We are coming up on 50 years in 2013. Oertha has a contest going on that is called 50 for 50. Basically it means 50 period items, created by you for the 50 years of the SCA. It can be anything. Illuminated Scrolls, garb, armor bits, bobbin lace, whatever. My choice was garb. The idea is to see how much you have learned, how much you have grown over those 50 pieces. It is quite challenging for me, let me tell you. There are some, who shall remain nameless.... who could pick up anything they wanted and would be fantastic at it. Honestly, I cannot say I am one of those. I chose Garb because I do love to sew, and I wanted to get better. So far I have made 11 full outfits. I have three years left. thank heavens. If you break it down into individual pieces of garb, I have 16. Several were done for me. a couple were made for my son. One was commisioned. A set was made for a friend and her son. Another was for another friend. I still however have at least 37 to go. Oiy. I should get busy then huh. I have one cut out, another planned, a third drawn out and awaiting the lining fur when funds allow. This game isnt cheap, thats for sure. (Oh how I love the 1.50 rack at Walmart).
In my to do list is the cut out piece (A houppeland), the planned piece (a coat), and the drawn out piece (a full persian/middle eastern set for a friend.)
I know one thing for sure. I cant make 50 pieces for me. Aside from the fact that my closet might get full which wouldnt really bother me none, I do believe that my husband would throw the mother of all hissy fits especially considering that my current sewing room may soon end up being the baby's room depending on gender. I think I need to do like one of those who above mentioned is fantastic at anything she attempts... again she shall remain nameless (I can say though she was just admitted into the order of the oerthan sword..haha!) and make garb for others. That sounds like a fantastic Idea for me. And I do believe that my husband might like that a little better because then the finished product would be shlupped out of the house and not stored away in my closet. Though I think first I should finish my work in progresses. that might be a good idea and a good way of getting rid of those piles of fabric.
For my 50th piece I am looking at tudorish or something french as my persona may be leaning more toward that. But until then... I need people who want new Garb... perferably something that might challenge me but that I cant screw up too bad. Any takers?... haha..

1 comment:

  1. ooo oooo oooo!!!! Can I have one that makes my tummy look flat (like so tight tied up the back as my tummy will allow lol) And my boobs pop out??? lol Not that I plan on going to anything soon :( Maybe for Yule next year??? Don't worry I will try and pimp you out some more too if I can. And since when is Hawaiian print quilts not period?!?!?!?!
