Friday, January 29, 2010

A name Dilemma

I have a bit of a Dilemma perhaps some can help with.... So Since my recent reinsertion back into the SCA full swing (including taking offices and autocrating events...) I have been working on persona, name, device, blah blah blah.
How hard can that be? you say... Let me tell you.
Names and Devices have to be documented. Persona, not as difficult i guess depending on how deep into it you go and how involved you make it. Im not even there yet. Lately, just name and Device.
So a wonderful friend, Claire/ Cynehild, previously mentioned in a past blog for her ridiculous skill of taking on anything and mastering it, has been helping me with a name. My choice that I want is Annah Narie. Simple, easy to say. Problem? Difficult to document. Why must you document you might ask? In order to be approved by the college of heralds it must link back to a time period in the middle ages or Renaissance periods. Basically 11th ish to 16th ish centuries. or roundabouts there anyway. Annah is easier if you cut the H and just go with Anna. similar enough to not warrant any confusion. Narie... not so much. You see, the actual word Narie comes from Tolkien. It means June (which is my birth month if you dont already know.) I liked it and it went well with Annah. Perfect.. hahahah. How little i know. I asked claire to help since she is all around fabulous and would not let it rest until she found it. Well... long story a bit shorter, she found it! YAY!!! Not exact spelling of course. She found Anna Neri. Both names date to right around 15th Century Florentine. Italian i shall be.
Okay so what is the dilemma you say?
This: She also told me that I might have to use a Matro/Patro-nymic name (di' Caterina for example would be my Matronymic name addition.) to make it a complete italian name. She did say I might be safe without it. I could just submit without it and be done... Problem? I stewed over it last night and was thinking about that di' Caterina part. Honestly, I think I like it. So I thought I would put it up for comment... Not that many will.
what do you think? any thoughts...
Anna Neri
Anna Neri di' Caterina


  1. You were born in June??? lol anywho I like the 2nd one, sounds more flowy and authentic ! (I dont think flowy is a word but you get the idea :) ) And as for device I made you one remember? Even in two colors! Please have your friend date Ulvar cause that is your true name !

  2. Oddly enough, Althea, Griffin, and I all like the di' Caterina also :) I think it is very cool that Claire found the Neri :) When I was helping put a name together for Griff, I was beyond delighted when I found a documented use of his mundane last name used as a period first name. A name he would answer to even! :) Hee hee!
    Good luck with the Name dilemma :D
