Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How long?

This week in our house, we had a new family member added. Im not speaking of the baby that will be here in July, but a new cat. He is an older cat, maybe 4-5 years old, and is a siamese ragdoll cat. He arrived on our porch on Friday and man was he beat up. He has been through some fights, and has had a hard life. Lucky for him he found our door, Right? Lucky that we are willing to let him stay, Right?
We already have one cat for anyone who doesnt know, by the name of Tigger. otherwise fondly known as Tiggy, or tigg-tigg. He doesnt like the new cat, now named Goku (my son named him). They dont get along at ALL. Goku is very mellow though and hasnt challenged Tigger at all. Their relationship is one based on ignoring each other, and glaring over distances.
Well, we took Goku to the vet to get fixed today, and since he was an outdoor cat and has been as such for a while it would appear (judging by his beatup state), they like to test for Feline Leukemia, especially if you have other cats, like we do.
Long story short, He tested Positive. Now what does that mean? It means Tigger and Goku can never cohabitate lest Tigger contract the disease so Goku must take up residence in our Garage, while Tigg gets the house. (Tigger isnt complaining) Goku has spent most the weekend in the Garage, and he actually likes it. Heck, its warmer than outside, right? What else does that positive test mean? It means that Goku can have a life span of anwhere from a few months to a few years. Personally I think he is closer to the few months side of his life. He only lays about. He still eats, and he drinks and he still uses his litter box and all, but he doesnt run around like Tigger does, he spends more time laying down than walking around. He does love Catnip Though. He kindof commendeered Tigger's catnip candy cane.
Why did he come to our door? Perhaps to get some needed love before he passed? How do you explain to a 4 year old little boy that his new cat is sick and might not live very long? The only time we have had to deal with death was with his fish, and we told him that Nemo went on permanent Vacation to a fishy tank in the sky. Not so simple now that he is older. Not so easy with him being so perceptive.
At least the cat found the right house, he found a house that wont throw him back outside. he found a house that will love him for the remainder of his life, no matter how short that may be.
Welcome home, Goku. No matter how long.

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